Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Manifesting Under Time Pressure

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While I’ve written about manifesting on deadline before, I thought you’d also enjoy this guest post by Janette Dalgliesh on the subject of creating reality when specific time frames are involved.

Enjoy this from Janette D.:

Sometimes the thing we want has a deadline attached, and for some of us that gets kinky. Manifesting with a deadline is a tricky game!

I’ve had this happen with attracting clients (“omg, I must have a client by Tuesday or else blah blah blah”) and other things.

Sometimes the time pressure seems external (bill due, dentist appointment); sometimes it’s an internal decision (I will create this thing by this date).

How does that play out in creating a new reality?

We know that if we believe our happiness is dependent on creating the thing we want, that’s resistance. We can’t be fully lined up with having it when we’re feeling the painful lack.

And many times, adding time pressures to the mix just adds to the squeeze. If we believe our happiness is tied to our desired thing arriving at a certain time, and we make that a condition … then that can become big resistance.

So what’s a deliberate creator to do? Give up on the dream??

Yes and no.

Connect to the feeling of excitement and delight about the desire, let go of any details (such as a date) that activate feelings of “not here yet.” Connect to the desire, and let go of the how and the when and the struggle.

A few years ago, my hubby and I were on the train from our regional city into Melbourne, to see a matinee performance of a concert we’d been waiting to see for months. (The first Melbourne performance of the Dr Who Symphonic with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Swoon.) With lots of money we’d saved up.

We’d left early, so we would have a couple of hours to wander through town, have lunch and get to our seats by 2 pm. The train stopped in the outer suburbs, which rarely happens. And it did. not. move … for over 40 minutes.

Long story short, we found out someone was threatening to jump onto the train tracks from a bridge and they were still talking him down. That train wasn’t going anywhere. Coaches began to arrive at the station, to take people into the city, and without many staff there to organize things it looked like getting utterly chaotic.

Was I stressing about missing the concert? Oh. My. God yes.

And I used it as an opportunity to really really practice ‘all is well’, to take deep breaths, to set the intention for ‘perfect outcome’, with no idea how this could possibly happen.

We ended up on one of the few coaches which took the express highway straight into the CBD, when all the rest of the coaches followed the train route and took people to stations in between. This was not organized in any way – sheer chance it seemed (though of course, you and I know better).

I have a vivid memory of leaning against the window, looking at the traffic and – when we got into the CBD – seeing red lights. Each time I saw a red light I felt the same response….. “EEEEEK!” followed by another deep breath, and letting go.

I let it be okay if we missed the start.

I let it be okay if we missed the whole first half.

I even let it be okay if we missed the whole concert

Actually, I knew that last one was ridiculous – there’s no way we would arrive so late they wouldn’t let us in at all – so that felt like relief.

Some part of me was smart enough to know that if I held on to any sense that the only way to ‘perfect outcome’ was to arrive on time, I was limiting what Universe could deliver.

We got to the city train terminal, and walked to the nearby cab rank. A cab pulled in just as we got there, and whisked us to the venue. The foyer was almost empty of people as most had taken their seats.

As we walked into the auditorium, the house lights were still up and the orchestra were in the final stages of tuning up. The usher took our tickets and showed us to our (fabulous!) seats.

Literally as my backside hit the fabric beneath me, the house lights went down and the show began.

I have no doubt that I manifested our timely arrival without a minute to spare.

And I have no doubt that I did it by letting go of the details of the ‘perfect outcome’.

On that coach journey, I took my focus away from what I wanted, and what felt like any barrier to it, as much as I could. And each time my thoughts tried to go to ‘hurry hurry hurry’ I would firmly but gently haul them back to ‘perfect outcome’ while keeping my hands firmly off what that outcome had to look like.

The only time I did any intention setting about getting to the concert by a certain time was the moment we found out that the train wouldn’t be completing its journey.

At the very beginning of this whole experience, I set the intention for ‘perfect outcome’ … and I let it go. The rest of the time was spent letting go, over and over.

I have to say, this was well before I developed my current approach to deliberate creation, which I call identity shifting. Today I might also play with my ‘easy’ necklace, which I use as a kind of magical item to help me amp up the vibe of ‘easy, perfect outcome’.

If you’re seeking an outcome with a timeframe on it, consider finding a way to keep the desire but let go of the details unless they light you up.

Janette Dalgliesh is the Identity Shift Ninja and author of Your Everyday Superpower: Can the New Brain Science Open the Door to an Altered Reality? Find her online at Identity Shift Ninja.

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Jeannette Maw is the LOA party host at GVU and publisher of the rave reviewed Good Vibe newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

This material was something I thought you might probably enjoy.

The creator has an interesting viewpoint on the topic that resonates with me and I wished to share it with my readers.

Please supply your ideas in the remarks section below …

Manifesting Under Time Pressure

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