Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Overcoming My Manifesting Hiccups

Effective manifesting is probably one of the hardest concepts to correctly deploy when practicing law of attraction. In this article the author discusses some of his challenges and how he approaches them…

Overcoming My Manifesting Hiccups

I’ve got a new manifestation in the works that’s highlighting a couple of tricky spots.

Thought I’d share in case anyone else bumps into these challenges in their own process.

Here’s to the self-awareness that helps us overcome our manifesting hiccups!

1. Caught up in contrast.

My mind has a tendency to review (one might even call it an “obsession with”) what I don’t like about current circumstances. I keep checking off all the things wrong with the present reality, but I know that habit blocks the path to where I want to go.

The work here is to drop that resistance and find Abe’s sweet spot of appreciating what is while looking forward to what’s next. Easier said than done, sometimes, but I’m a pro and if anyone can do it, I can. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it – you’re welcome to join me in it!)

2. Trying to make it happen in order to feel better.

Instead of doing my alignment work and then letting Universe fill in the gaps, I notice a bias for getting in the game to make it happen myself. More effort is happening than is helpful. That’s my cue to chill out and make room for Universe’s magic.

My job is just to make sure I’m focused in a way that lets the good stuff in. If Universe needs me for anything, it’ll let me know via inspiration to act.

3. Believing in what I want.

Sometimes my gremlins argue I’m asking for too much – that what I want just isn’t possible. But that can only be true if I let those thoughts run rampant – and I’m too smart for that. I know that if I can imagine it, I can have it. So my work is to practice believing in my desire. Abraham’s Amp It Up exercise is great for that.

I also remind myself that “stranger things have happened.” That thought works like a charm in opening up the door of possibility for me.

4. Receiving it.

Calling forth a big manifestation requires big receiving skills. Because if I’m not used to having it this good, my ability to let it in will be tested. That’s a test I want to pass with flying colors.

My work here is to feel worthy of the fabulousness and upgrade my new idea of “normal.” That’s actually a course we’re doing at GVU this month. (You’re invited to join us on the 12th if you’ve had issues with set points or upper limits in your manifesting work.)

My point in sharing these personal hiccups is two-fold: first, it raises my personal awareness and inspires me to do a better job of walking the talk by going public with it.

Second, it serves as an invitation to you to realize that kinks in our manifesting process are not unusual. If you’re not sure what your kinks are, this manifesting diagnostic might help.

Overcoming My Manifesting Hiccups

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